Sunday, March 27, 2011

She's back! Don't miss this show!

That's right Maureeen is back to bring back up the Muslim issue that is engulfing the world now. Listen in to hear what she has to say and call in to make your voice known or comment here on the blog. Libya is still out of control and there is unrest all over the Middle East. Have a blessed week everyone.

Your friends,

Dr. Dave Taylor and Super Duper Producer  Kevin

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Libya burns as President parties in Rio.

He's back like the terminator Dave returns to bring forth his talk on such topics as Japan, Libya, and the Presidents' trip to South America and the Latin American coutries. Should we have attacked Libya when we left Egypt and Iran alone? Listen in to hear what Dave has to say about the strikes on Libya and the Nuclear turmoil in Japan in the fallout of the earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan. Could California be hit with a big quake this week thanks to the Super full moon? Call in to give your opinions and ask questions to Dave on these topics or on the economy or Vice President Biden's reference to rape on the GOP'S budget strategy. You can also talk about Hamas attacking Israel or the Dems trying to repeal DOMA or even NPR. Listen from noon to 2 to hear Dave's comments on these subjects and more or comment on other subjects too, from March Madness to the NFL strike to Spring training to Muslim threats in the USA to Illegal Immigrants to Egypt and elections there. Have a blessed week everyone.

Your friends,

Dr. Dave Taylor and Super Duper Producer Kevin

Sunday, March 13, 2011

best of today back live next week

Listen in to this best of program from last week featuring a most provacative talk with Maureen Yearby, Jim Cooke and Dave Taylor on Muslims and shariah law in a fast paced 20 minute show today. You can still go to the event Maureen is talking about this upcoming Wednesday so get out a piece of paper to jot down the information on that special event this Wednesday. You do not want to miss this special best of show today after the noon news until 12:30 p.m. Make sure to call next week with your questions and comments as we will return live again for a full 2 hour show then on the first day of spring. If you haven't sprung forward your clocks yet remember to do that now too. Join us in prayer this week also as we pray for all those victims and families and friends of victims from the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Have a blessed week everyone. Keep up the fight, don't ever give up on your conservative values and faith.

Your friends,

Dr. Dave Taylor and Super Duper Producer Kevin

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Maureen is back you don't want to miss this show.

Maureen Yeardley is back on the show today to talk more about the Muslim issues and Act for America and you don't want to miss this show. Call in to ask her questions or share you opinions on this topic or other topics concerning you whether it be the economy, Obamacare, the Middle East chaos in Libya, Mexican trucks given free passes to drive through America or guns going across the border or many other hot topics out there now. Have a blessed week everyone.

your friends,

Dr. Dave and Super Duper Pruducer Kevin