Sunday, July 29, 2012

Let the games begin, support Chik fili.

The XXX Olympic games have begun in London. Every athlete gets 17 condoms? Do you care? Are you watching? Also Chick Filet is coming under attack by the gay community for taking a traditional stance on marriage. What do you think on this subject? In other news Mitt Romney is taking a tough stance against Iran? Call in with your thoughts on Israel and the middle east. You can also call in to talk about the murderer in Colorado. In big news today also Judge Scalia says guns may be regulated. You can also call in to talk about Penn State and why is it wrong to molest children but fine to do these things as adults to each other and take "pride" in it. Makes you wonder doesn't it? How much farther can this country sink before God takes His protection off of us.Have a blessed week everyone.

Your friends,

Dr. Dave Taylor and Super Duper Producer Kevin

Sunday, July 22, 2012


As you all know by now 12 people were killed in Colorado watching the Batman premiere. It looks like he planned this attack months earlier. What do you think will come from this? Will there be tighter gun control laws passed? Will there be copy cat killings in other movie theatres? Will this stop you from going to see movies? Call in to voice your opinion on this topic and all our prayers go out to the victims and their families of this horrendous attack. In other news, the olympics start this next weekend, do you think their will be attacks there? You can also call in to talk about the Middle East or the economy or housing or gay pride week or any other topic. Have a blessed and safe week everyone.

Your friends,

Dr. Dave Taylor and Super Producer Kevin

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Election run off coming.

Listen today for the special interviews today and hear what Dave has to say about today's issues. We will be having the candidates running for superintendent and Lt. Governor candidadte Tony Gurley at 1:30 p.m. Have a blessed week everyone and don't forget to vote Tuesday.

Your friends,

Dr. Dave Taylor and Super Duper Producer Kevin

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Dog days of summer here. NC go vote!

In case you haven't noticed yet it is officially hot out there. Call in if you wat to talk to to Dave about what's currently hot in the news right now until 1:30 and then listen to a hot interview Dave will be having with Lt. Gov candidate Dan Forest. Remember to early vote in the runoff. Have a blessed week everyone and stay cool.

Your friends,

Dr. Dave Taylor and Super Duper Producer Kevin

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy Independance day!

It was two hundred and thirty six years ago that our fore fathers decided to fight for their freedom from Great Britain and sign the Declaration of Independance penned by Thomas Jefferson. Now here we 2012 and we don't even mention Independance day instead we say Happy 4th of July, if an alien came down from outer space and saw everyone just saying happy 4th he would wonder if this is something we do every day and say happy 5th of July the next day. How about we start to remember our forefathers struggles and call it Happy independance Day again.There is so much going on in the news this week to talk about with all the supreme court decisions made and the contempt of congress charges against Attorney General Holder. You can also talk about the middle east and Egypt's new Muslim Brotherhood president and what that means to Israel. You can also talk about the Fort Bragg shooting or the economy or Obamacare and what this "tax" means to us all. You can also talk about this hot weather. Listen to what Dave has to say about all these topics. Once again have a safe and happy Independance Day. Have a blessed week everyone.

Your friends,

Dr. Dave Taylor and Super Duper Producer Kevin