Sunday, July 26, 2015

Obama in his homeland of Kenya, press attacks Trump, protects planned parenthood.

Another week of horrific news as the the press and Democrats protect and defend planned parenthood and their baby killing and selling body parts, while they attack Trump on illegal immigration. You can talk about this or Clinton or Obama in Kenya or healthcare or shootings around the country or "race" relations going down since Obama became president or Israel and Iran and the Middle East. You can also talk about Isis on the rise in America with illegal immigration and Obama making it so more can stay here. You can talk about The president going to the UN instead of congress on the Iran deal and threatening to veto if congress votes down Iran deal. Every day we are bombarded with more, could Jesus be returning soon? It certainly looks like we are living in the last days. Be vigilant and humble, repent of your sins and turn to God before it is too late. Every day is a gift to help others. What choices are you making to help others or hurt others? Have a blessed and safe week everyone.

Your friends,

Dr Dave Taylor and Super Duper Producer Kevin

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Iran deal with the devil equals end of America? Islam attacks continue.

That's right another so called lone wolf attack kills 4 marines and 1 navy serviceman in Chattanooga. You can call on this or on the economy or Trump or Israel and the middle east or Hilary Clinton or Obama and his visiting prison and continuing to pull this country apart with his attacks on "race". You could also talk about this illegal immigration and  more muslims coming to America. Have a blessed and safe week, Judgement from God is coming repent and turn to Him before it is too late.

Your friends,

Dr. Dave Taylor and Super Duper Producer Kevin

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Iran and Greece deals here?

Should we be making deals with the devil in Iran who is getting nukes and could use them on us later as you see from the protests of death to America and Israel in their streets. You can call in about this or about this Illegal Immigrant who killed that poor woman who was just site seeing in San Francisco with her father. You can also call in to talk about the economy or the Clintons or Trump or Homosexual marriage or the Conferderate flag or the new world order or about Israel and the Middle East or Russia or any other hot topics in the news you want to talk about. Issis is still on the march killing Christians also. Have a blessed and safe week everyone.

Your friends,

Dr. Dave Taylor and Super Duper Producer Kevin

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Happy Independence Day America!

I hope you had a blessed day and enjoyed what little freedom we have left, let's hope we can celebrate 240 next year. Enjoy this best off show from last week. Dave will be back next week Lord willing. Have a safe and blessed week.

Your friends,

Dr. Dave Taylor and Super Duper Producer Kevin