Saturday, October 29, 2016

Hilary back underr investigation thanks to Weiner.

Listen in to this shortened truncated 30 minute show until 10:30 to hear what DR. Dave has to say about this topic and all the other topics of the day and hopefully Dave will be back for a full show next week. Stay tuned hear to find out. Have a safe week everyone and go out and vote.

Your friends,

Dr. Dave Taylor and Super Duper Producer Kevin

Saturday, October 1, 2016


The election is just a little over a month away now and we have the V.P. debate coming up in a few days. You can call in to talk about this or about the economy or Africare and rising costs for healthcare or about terrorism in Washington and New York and Minnesota and the cover up of this by the media. You can also call in to talk about Israel and the middle east and President Obama stabbing Israel and America in the back again by putting the countries down like no other country has flaws. So much more you can talk about to like HB2 and local elections and Trump and Hilary. Oh and Obama finally had a veto over ridden and He gave over U.S. control of the internet so watch out folks. Have a blessed and safe week everyone.

Your friends,

Dr Dave Taylor and Super Duper Producer Kevin