Sunday, February 5, 2012

Romney wins Florida and Nevada others vow to keep going.

Even though Romney won in Florida and Nevada the race is not over no matter what Romney says and the other three candidates Santorom, Paul, and Gingrich are pressing on. Remember folks there has only been 5 states that have voted so far. What do you think of the race so far? In other news, the Super Bowl is today. Is the game to overhyped or are you going to watch, who do you like the Giants or Patriots? What do you think of the new unemployment numbers that just came out. Has the economy getting better or have people just given up? Also, the UN wants to impose a worldwide tax on everyone in order to "help the poor in the world" and bring the one world government closer to being. While Europe is experiencing a cold winter with snow and many deaths. Then we have Iran making more threats and talk of Israel attacking them and the threats of attacks on our soil as Obama continues to weaken the defense department. What do you think of these topics or other topics? Call in to express your views and listen to hear a special guest at 1:30. Have a blessed week everyone.

Your friends,

Dr. Dave Taylor and Super Duper Producer Kevin

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