Sunday, October 14, 2012

Debates continue.

Now that the Vice Presidential debate is over it's time to get your feedback as we look to the next presidential debate this week. Call in with your thoughts on this tpoic or the middle east snd Israel or the economy or anything else. Listen in at 1:30 for a special interview with candidate Debra Goldman running for state auditor to hear here views and why you should vote for her. Have a blessed week and our prayers go out to the family of our friend and long time 1st caller Art Beebe who passed away last Sunday.

Your friends Dr Dave Taylor and Super Duper Producer Kevin


  1. Dave,

    We moved from Fayetteville to here in Anchorage, AK courtesy of the US Army two and a half years ago. I fondly recall listening to your WFNC program. I see it's possible to stream the program real time, but wonder if you have podcasts available?

    - LTC Jim

  2. LTC Jim,

    Thanks for your support, we don't currently have podcasts available but we are working on it and hope to have them available soon. Have a blessed day and try to stay warm up there in the thrilla from Wasilla's territory.

    Dr. Dave and Super Duper Producer Kevin
