Sunday, November 15, 2015

Paris attacks overshadow dem and repub debates this week.

Our hearts and prayers are with the people affected by the attacks in Paris by Issis who the President just said was being contained. Unfortunately Dave is out of town this week and won't be able to talk about this and get to your calls but enjoy this best of program from last week with a few new clips from this weekend. Dave will be back next week to give full throat on these topics and the debates and any new news going forward this week. Have a safe and blessed week everyone.

Your friends,

Dr. Dave Taylor and Super Duper Producer Kevin

1 comment:

  1. I would like to submit a request for 22NOV15 show; Could Super Duper Producer Kevin "squeeze in" Refugee by Tom Petty?
    We got somethin', we both know it, we don't talk too much about it;
    Ain't no real big secret, all the same, somehow we get around it;
    Listen, it don't really matter to me baby
    You believe what you want to believe,

    You don't have to live like a refugee
    (Don't have to live like a refugee)
