Saturday, November 18, 2017


We hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving everyone, you can call in to talk about what you are thankful for. You can also talk about all the sexual harassment cases against all the celebrities and politicians. You can also talk about tax reform and the tax bills and how it would affect you. You can also talk about terrorism and all the attacks around the world and what should be done to protect against them. You can also call in to talk about Israel and the middle east or North Korea and China and Russia and Syria and war. You can also talk about the homosexual agenda or killing babies or any other topic. Have a safe and blessed week everyone.

Your friends,

Dr. Dave Taylor and Super Duper Producer Kevin

1 comment:

  1. Gloria Allred the She-Wolf that "cries" Bad-Boy.
    Let's dredge up Gloria's ugly past, shall we. During a vacation at Acapulco in 1966, Gloria Allred then Gloria Bloom claimed she was raped at "gunpoint." The 23 year old Gloria did not report the rape, she said, because she didn't think anyone would "believe" her. After discovering she was pregnant she sought an abortion, which was "illegal" at the time. After undergoing the criminal procedure that murdered her unborn child, she began hemorrhaging. She was hospitalized only after becoming infected. Gloria's efforts resulted in the legalization of child abortion for pregnancies that result from "accusations" of rape. (No Proof Required)
    Essentially Gloria's intrinsic nature is to put her reputation at risk. With meticulous attention to detail Gloria gets herself and her clients into a "Beauty Salon" for a complete makeover before appearing in-front of the cameras in the Court of Public Opinion. Allred's methods are evidently Below-Reproach as she leads her clients by the hand to make tearful public statements to pull at our heartstrings. For fame and fortune, Gloria Allred commands national attention too present a defamation of character case. With the old "She said, He said" argument.
    Once again misrepresenting the truth with unsubstantiated accusations in a profession that requires impeccable integrity. Gloria tarnished her reputation years before she attacked Trump in 2016. This latest Political Publicity Stunt with Judge Roy Moore has become a festering blemish on her made over face. Gloria Allred should be disbarred with prejudice, under conditions of "Disgrace to the Profession" an old-fashioned tar and feathering.
